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Koru Gut Restore
Koru Gut Restore

The War Within Our Gut - Signs of Poor Gut Health

Most people have horrific amounts of bad bacteria in their gut. This means any form of healthy bacteria consumed from our food is often destroyed, leaving us bloated, uncomfortable and lacking energy due to poor nutrient absorption.
Koru Gut Restore helps to support the breakdown of foods within the gut whilst also supporting a healthy gut, bowel and weight management.

Gut Restore has been formulated to provide complete support for your best digestive health, every single day.

Unlike any other product on the market, Koru Gut Restore combines high dose probiotics with a non-fibre based prebiotic for optimal results.

PreforPro is a prebiotic bacteriophage cocktail that prepares the gut to ensure healthy probiotic bacteria have room to flourish. Because PreforPro is not fiber or starch-based, it goes to work in hours, not days.

PreforPro is a prebiotic bacteriophage cocktail that prepares the gut to ensure healthy probiotic bacteria have room to flourish. Because PreforPro is not fiber or starch-based, it goes to work in hours, not days.

Benefits of PreforPro include:
Probiotic Booster - PreforPro is proven to support the growth of a broad spectrum of probiotic species, while crowding out undesirable bacteria.
Fast Acting - The effects of PreforPro are achieved within hours not days.
No Gas - Because PrefoPro isn’t fiber or starch-based, the prebiotic doesn’t cause digestive discomfort such as bloating and flatulence.
Scientifically Validated - PreforPro has been scientifically proven to support gut microbiota in humans.

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